
I am no stranger to change and I know that transitions can be isolating and can trigger our imbalances and fears.

Let me guide you through yours.


Navigating change, making connections, and staying curious through big life changes are ingrained in me.

When I was five years old, I moved to the Netherlands from Sweden due to my father’s work.

I spent my college years in Amsterdam studying a combination of Economics, Law, and Business and then moved to NYC as a young adult, where I received my Masters in Organizational Change Management at The New School directly followed by a Certification in Executive Coaching from ICoach Global.

This is where my passion for individual development through coaching started. Since this, I received my Image Consulting Certification at FIT, my Personal Training Certification, and my Life Coaching Certification from the Jay Shetty Coaching School.

Through all of this, I have worked and raised a family in the New York Area.

As I studied personal development, prioritizing motherhood, researching nutrition, and incorporating daily movement, I became eager to connect these practices into one framework to help individuals navigate change for collective (or company-wide) betterment.

The more I learned, the more I implemented it into my own life. Even when navigating tumultuous times, people would admire my grounded presence. I knew then that this multi-modality approach has the potential not only to bring alignment into my life but also to others. It was time for me to own my multi-faceted magic.


My approach to coaching comes from curiosity and oneness. I want you to thrive as you change and see opportunities for growth by connecting to a rhythm that aligns you to your whole potential. My strength lies in my positive, holistic and creative approach to change, as I coach everyone according to their unique needs.


I work at the intersection of mindfulness, movement, and meaning. And with each transition and   change life brings, I lean into my experience and knowledge to guide high-performing individuals through times of personal or professional transitions, so they can emerge on the other side fully aligned.

Guiding High Achievers towards greater Alignment

By Holding space, sparking action and sustaining flow.


Life and Executive Coach

From change to reinvention to transformation, I believe we all deserve an ally to help us navigate big moments in life.

Hi! I’m Ann-Caroline. You can call me AC. I believe in living and aligned life is an important key to happiness. I am 53 and the mother of two young women Isabella 20, and Malena. They are my pride, they are hard working, grounded young women that have a real joy for life. Motherhood has given me so much, so much I never expected and I absolutely love being their mom. We live in Old Greenwich Connecticut in the USA, but both girls are now in college so am entering the stage of empty nester. Which is a big change but exciting at the same time; it’s time to focus on my business and spending more time exploring the world through travel and food. Two of my personal passions. I am excited at this stage of my life to explore a part of myself that I haven’t yet, evolving into a full time  entrepreneur and building a business around a profession I so strongly believe in. 

What advice would I give my 20 year old Self?

Someone asked me a little while ago the following question, and it made me realize some important things about who I am and what’s important to me and I love to share this. The question was: What advice would you give to your 20 year old self?

My answer was: To be honest I am in a really good place right now and I believe that my path has guided me to where I am at this point. So all the life choices I have made had their purpose. But if I need to choose one piece of advice, it would be to remind my 20 year old self that you are absolutely amazing just the way you are.

New beginnings are awesome.

They are exciting and they are opportunities for growth and it’s important to embrace them even though they can be scary and intimidating.

I love this quote by Jay Shetty, it describes it so well: Don’t be afraid of new beginnings, from new people, new energy, new challenges. Embrace new chances of happiness.

My approach blends Real-life experience
& Academic foundation.

My Values & Beliefs


We deserve to thrive as our authentic, highest selves.


We are meant to be connected. We all share a deep interconnectedness and interdependence.


A balanced life is one of movement, mindfulness, and meaning.


Life is filled with magic, and with an open mind, we can use this wonder and adaptability to evolve beyond our wildest dreams. 


Growth is fun. Pleasure and play keep us going when everything feels heavy. 

Inquire today for a free chat.