The Four Seasons
Coaching Process

A unique and tailored coaching process rooted in the flow of nature.

Available for Personal and Corporate Clients.



Translate your story into knowledge

Shed & Evolve

Shed and explore sessions

Identify your unique rhythm



Translate your knowledge into wisdom

Learn to just be

Deeper understanding of Self

Self defined goals



Translate your wisdom into action

Follow through

Alignment plan

Flourish as your aligned Self



Translate your actions into alignment

Let go of old patterns

On going support

Actualized transformation

Develop your leadership presence and move from a place of conformity to confidence.

We are taught to merge with society at a young age, disconnecting us from our true selves and feelings. Belonging leads to an inevitable disconnection and disharmony with our true selves. There is a fear that if we listen to our own needs, there is a potential for alienation.

As your coach and ally, I will help you regain your authentic image because it is your greatest resource as a leader. Through deep listening, assessments, and an accountable plan, I witness you embrace the curiosity, joy, and courage to be yourself.

Have you…

Found yourself in a leadership position and looking to amplify your presence?

Wondering how…

To come back to yourself?

Finding it…

Hard to follow through on plans on your own?

Looking for…

An accountability partner to help you when tempted to conform and give into old patterns?

It’s time to take the stress out of change so you can have a successful new beginning.

AC Van Der Ham

Our Sessions will be:


At the beginning of our journey together, our initial sessions will be focused on building a personalized plan for you, one that adapts to your needs and goals. 


Although my approach is fluid, we will stay laser focused on your alignment plan. You will enter this new stage with excitement and enthusiasm, feel fully supported, and be ready to take on challenges with confidence from within.


Who said growth and change has to be so serious? I believe in the power of play and experimentation. We’ll see your growth as fun.

What you’ll get :

For personal as well as individual corporate coaching, I offer packages from 3 to 9 months, starting at $3,000.

Coaching is a process that depends on your individual needs. To work on your personal growth, I recommend a commitment of at least 3 months.

Coaching is similar to signing up for a personal development course at an educational institution, but this one is uniquely catered to you.

When signing up for a program you will get:

Weekly sessions

Comprehensive plan around movement, mindset, and meaning to help you reach your goals

Multi-modality tools catered to your unique needs

Extended support depending on the program

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